Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Chameleon RC4 P55 Support By Default


The Chameleon RC4 is the latest bootloader from the chameleon site the RC5 is a pre-release edition and is for testing purpose.

Today, the Chameleon team released Chameleon 2.0 RC4. This is the 4th major update of the Chameleon 2.0 bootloader. The major news for us is that the Nehalem patch has now been made standard, meaning that all P55 Core i5 and Core i7 users can use Chameleon 2.0 RC4's boot file without modifications. Until now, P55 users had to patch their boot file or the system would run about 1.5x too fast.

You can read more about the various changes at the Chameleon site. New functionality has been added to hide partitions from the bootloader, and specify PCI root for your devices. You must add flags to your com.apple.Boot.plist to enable these features.

To test the new bootloader for yourself, download this Chameleon 2.0 RC4 boot file. If you have already installed Chameleon or PC-EFI, simply drop the boot file in the root of your OS X partition. You will not need to change anything else. If you need to install from scratch, use the PC-EFI 10.1 installer located in Razormacx86-SnowLeopard.zip folder . Then replace the boot file with this new one.

Good luck and let me know how it goes for you!


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